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  • Degtiarev S.A., Kutakov M.N., Leontiev M.K. Dynamics of rotors with crack in shafts
    "Òðóäû ÌÀÈ", 2015. ¹79
    Rotors with crack in shafts The authors give the methodology and the algorithm where crack is simulated by variable coefficient of moment flexibility obtained for the local section of the shaft with crack. Use of the developed crack model in the algorithms of analysis of dynamic characteristics of aviation gas turbine engines rotors with cracks lowers significantly time that is necessary for its modeling and analysis. Analysis shows that crack in the shaft of the investigated rotor causes parametric resonances at the regimes 1/3 ; 1/2 ; 1 , being the consequence of rotor harmonics with frequencies 1õ, 2õ, 3õ, 4õ, etc. In the actual experiments it is possible to highlight two or three rotor harmonics. Presence of subharmonic resonances, multiple harmonics and change in motion orbits of the shafts sections can become signs of crack appearance.

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  • Technical consulting in rotor dynamics
  • Design of rotor-bearing structures
  • Dynamical analysis of rotor-bearing structures
  • Design of the non-standard and unique experimental equipment for rotor-bearing structures
  • Development of vibration diagnostic and condition monitoring systems for gas turbine engines
  • Special software in rotor dynamics of turbomachinery - programming and development
  • Engineers training in rotor dynamics
  • Students training in rotor dynamics
  • Training in rotor dynamics field


  • Rotor Dynamics
  • Rotordynamics of Gas Turbine Engines
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